
Calligraphic Art (Knife)

Land Scape

Etching Art

Ceramic Work

Water Color

Symbiosis Concept in Art Journey of Line (Mix Media)

Calligraphic Art (Journey of Line)

Symbiosis Concept in Art Journey of Line (Pastel)

Spiritual Art (Whirling Dervishes)


Symbolic Art

Muhammad Shafique Farooqi

Pride of Performance

Shafique Farooqi was born in 1942 in Sialkot, Pakistan. After his training at the National College of Arts, he went over to Turkey and completed his Master’s degree at Istanbul University. Later on he was bequeathed an honorary doctorate in Spiritual Arts from Royal American University in Spiritual Arts.
In the 60 years of his art career he has done more than 13,000 art pieces and 107 solo shows in USA, England, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany, Sudan, France, Canada, Holland, Turkey and Pakistan. He has mastered the arts of Free hand Sketches Calligraphy, Landscape, Watercolor, Etching, Symbolic Art, Ceramics, Symbiosis concept of art (Journey of Line), and Spiritual art (Whirling Dervishes). The government of Pakistan conferred on him the President’s Pride of Performance, in 2021.
Mr. Shafique Farooqi fascination with Calligraphic art over 60 years, His artistic journey simultaneously Travers twin paths, virtuosity and wisdom Mr. Farooqi has published his 6th book “ لا الہ الا اللہ” and working on his 7th book “محمد رسول اللہ” which his Knife and hand truly reflects Calligraphy.
Mr. Shafique Farooqi spent almost 17 Years of his life in Turkey from 1983 to 1999 and honorably represented Pakistan at all levels. He received 5 prestigious awards during his stay in Turkey.

Abstract Art of Abstracted Ideas

“My paintings are formed out of my impressions, observations and my emotional experiences I see reality as an endless process of conflicts and decisions, therefore the tonality of experience can never be resolved in a definite way. The texture of life is like the surface of a block of clay; it is shaped and molded by the circumstances of daily conflicts, personal and collective catastrophes and individual questioning. My work lives on this quest until it becomes a rite of realizations, a struggle for the possibility to order the sensation of consciousness”
Muhammad Shafique Farooqi

A Sign of the Time

Shafique Farooqi

Shafique Farooqi

Shafique Farooqi Official



Living In

Islamabad, Pakistan


+92 300 5036836